We are a Munich based data science consultancy collective founded by Edward Zimmerman.
We use machine learning tools and algorithms to help organizations develop AI-driven products and solutions.
We strive to solve the toughest data challenges to improve operational intelligence, enhance product quality, and increase business efficiency.
Our fields of expertise include text retrieval, data mining, systemic/cybernetic modelling, knowledge discovery, HPC, NLP, NLU and computervision.We develop using the "best of" approach deploying the tools and languages best fit for purpose from low level CUDA to C++ through to high level languages like Lisp, Python and R.
- Affective and cognitive sensing
- Mixed reality based ADAS.
- BIM (Building Information Modeling)
- Smart city
We provide exclusively research and engineering services as freelance professionals (per German § 18 EStG)
Platforms: Clouds (e.g. Azure, AWS), custom DL boxes (based on NVIDIA GPU boards), backpacks (MSI VR-One), GPU notebooks (e.g. MSI GT83VR) and embedded boards (an assortment of NVIDIA Jetsons including TX1, TX2. Xavier and Nano, Intel Myriad2, Intel NC Sticks, Raspbery Pi variants, ESP8622 etc.)
Sensors: A large range including mono cameras, 3d (Realsense, Roboception, ZED), FLIR, time-of-flight, radar, LIDAR, microwave, MEMs, ...
Output:A wide range of VR headsets,tablets,displays,...